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Otley Coffee Festival 2024

A huge thank you to everyone who attended this year's Otley Coffee Festival!




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What is a Coffee Festival?

What is a Coffee Festival?

Coffee festivals are more and more popular.


London Coffee Festival is one of the world’s largest and Manchester has had a great festival for the last five years and has grown steadily from 400 visitors in its first year to 2,000 in 2018. There are now festivals across much of the country. We think we need one too!


The festivals are, in the words of one expert, ‘all about the journey from bean to cup’.


At a coffee festival you can enjoy finding out more about coffee and associated products, whatever your level of expertise. At a festival, you would typically be able to taste and compare coffee, watch, and perhaps participate in, latte art, coffee tasting competitions and brewing demonstrations. Coffee brands and merchants would tell you their story.


Otley Coffee Culture Festival will have all this and more.

What is special about Otley Coffee Festival?

Otley has a long tradition of welcoming visitors, especially to the great events we stage every year.


Otley Coffee Culture Festival sits in that tradition and will use venues across the historic town centre to host locals and guests alike for a day focused on the coffee consumer.

We will learn from other coffee festivals, but also intend that our festival will be distinctive: a day long series of events in a range of locations, suitable for both the coffee connoisseur and those just looking for a great day out. 

Putting fair trade and the environment at the centre

Within the coffee trade there is great opportunity to do good. The trade is a significant international activity. Responsible coffee businesses can promote fair shares for producers and can support appropriate measures to protect fragile ecosystems. At the Otley festival, we will be working with and showcasing businesses that use their economic muscle to promote good practice.

Celebrating coffee and the local economy

We want to use the festival to promote Otley and Otley businesses. We know, too, that there are great West Yorkshire businesses that ought to be involved. The day will ensure that we do this.

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